
Picsellia SDK Python is a library that allows users to connect to Picsellia backend.

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[6.21.0] - 2025-02-20

Some features around Visual Search !


  • Remove detection_boxes in SegmentationPredictionFormat


  • Datalake.visual_search() can be called to search similar data
  • Datalake.text_search() can be called to search data that match a text query
  • Datalake.count_embeddings() can be called to count number of data indexed
  • Datalake.list_embeddings() can be called to list embeddings of in your datalake
  • DatasetVersion.activate_visual_search() can be called to activate visual search in your dataset
  • DatasetVersion.deactivate_visual_search() can be called to deactivate visual search in your dataset
  • DatasetVersion.count_embeddings() can be called to count number of data indexed in your dataset
  • DatasetVersion.list_embeddings() can be called to list embeddings of in your dataset
  • Data.embeddings property can be used to retrieve stored embeddings
  • Asset.embeddings property can be used to retrieve stored embeddings


  • Deployment attribute _review_campaign_id was not well-defined in some cases

[6.20.0] - 2025-01-20

Happy new year you all !
Some new features around campaigns, some refactoring, some breaking changes in this version as deprecated code was removed.


Behavior has changed for users that initialize Client() without giving organization_name or organization_id

  • Users that belong to only one organization will be connected to this organization.

  • Users that belong to multiple organizations but own one will be connected to owned organization.

  • Users that belong to multiple organizations but do not own any organization won't be able to initialize an unspecified Client.

  • AnnotationCampaign.list_steps() will return an AnnotationCampaignStep instead of a dict!

  • Model.type and Model.framework were deprecated and are removed from now.

  • Datalake.find_all_datas() was deprecated and is removed from now. You should use list_data() instead.

  • DatasetVersion.find_all_assets() was deprecated and is removed from now. You should use list_assets() instead.

  • ModelContext.retrieve_experiment() was deprecated and is removed from now. You should use get_experiment() instead.

  • Deployment.check_feedback_loop_status() was deprecated and is removed from now.

  • Deployment.disable_feedback_loop() was deprecated and is removed from now.

  • Deployment.setup_continuous_training() will not use deprecated parameter dataset_version anymore.

  • Experiment.publish() was deprecated and is removed from now. You should use export_as_model_version() instead

  • ModelVersion.update_thumbnail was deprecated and is removed from now. You should use the web app instead.


  • AnnotationCampaignStep model, to manage your campaign step
  • Client.get_processing() to find a processing by its name
  • AnnotationCampaign.sync_assets() can be called to add assets that are not assigned as task in your campaign
  • AnnotationCampaign.update() can be called with default_entry_step and annotated_entry_step parameter
  • AnnotationCampaignStep.redistribute_assignments() can be called to add assets that are not assigned as task in your campaign
  • AnnotationCampaignStep.update() can be called to update a step
  • AnnotationCampaignStep.delete() can be called to add assets that are not assigned as task in your campaign
  • Client.list_annotation_campaigns() can be called to list annotation campaigns of your organization
  • Client.list_review_campaigns() can be called to list review campaigns of your organization
  • Worker class has now a type : DATASET or DEPLOYMENT
  • Worker.user_id property
  • Deployment.list_workers() can be used to list workers of a deployment
  • ReviewCampaign and ReviewCampaignStep models can be used to handle campaigns on Deployment ! Methods are more or less the same, except for some edge case behaviors.
  • Client.create_processing() can be called with description parameter
  • DatasetVersion.copy_assets_to() can be called to copy assets from a dataset to another


  • DatasetVersion.list_assets() should behave better when a list of parameter is given
  • Datalake.list_data() should behave better when a list of parameter is given
  • DatasetVersion.add_data() will add data by batch, so it won't fail with 413 error when more than 300k assets are given
  • DatasetVersion.add_data() will now wait for job to end by default
  • DatasetVersion.fork() will now wait for job to end by default
  • AnnotationCampaign.create_step() can be called with sample_rate parameter


  • AnnotationCampaign do not require name anymore


  • ModelVersion str method was not displaying well its origin name
  • Handle 413 errors (when payload or uri are too large)
  • Some bad generated documentation should be fine now
  • Some methods were not reading filenames correctly on Windows

[6.19.2] - 2024-11-06


  • DatasetVersion.find_asset() can be called with id parameter to find an asset by its id.

[6.19.1] - 2024-10-31

Happy Halloween !


  • Deployment.find_predicted_asset() to find a PredictedAsset from different criteria

[6.19.0] - 2024-10-30

We dropped support of python3.8, goodbye old friend, you will be missed.


  • Deployment.predict_shadow() to predict with shadow model on an already processed PredictedAsset
  • Deployment.monitor_shadow() and Deployment.monitor_shadow_from_oracle_prediction_id() to monitor with shadow model on an already processed PredictedAsset
  • Added support of python3.13
  • Bumped some packages
  • While dropping python3.8, we could get rid of old syntaxes
  • Better handling of conflict when monitoring already processed data
  • A GitHub workflow so we can send to our Slack channel a release note


  • We welcomed ruff as a new pre commit linter
  • As we do not allow multi campaign on the same dataset, we changed DatasetVersion.get_campaign()


  • We don't warn anymore if you have a future version of the SDK


  • We dropped support of python3.8

[6.18.3] - 2024-10-01


  • New processing types allowed on the platform : data auto tagging, model compression, model conversion


  • Deployment.predict() and Deployment.predict_bytes() were failing when sending metadata

[6.18.2] - 2024-09-17


  • We refactored upload of large file to allow upload very large file on Google cloud storage

[6.18.1] - 2024-09-05


  • Added Asset.content_type, needed in Asset.to_data_schema()

[6.18.0] - 2024-09-04


  • Deployment.predict_cloud_image() can be called to predict onto an image stored on your object storage
  • Deployment.predict_data() can be called to predict onto a data stored on your target datalake
  • Deployment.monitor_cloud_image() can be called to monitor an image stored on your target datalake
  • Deployment.monitor_data() can be called to monitor a data stored on your target datalake
  • All Deployment.predict() can be called with metadata dict parameter. It will be stored on Data after being processed.
  • Deployment.monitor() can be called with metadata dict parameter aswell.
  • All Deployment.predict() can be called with monitor boolean parameter. It allows you to only call inference service, it won't call our monitoring service.

[6.17.1] - 2024-08-22


  • On DatasetVersion.build_coco_file_locally() area of segmentation will now be computed properly

[6.17.0] - 2024-07-29


  • Experiment.launch() now return a Job
  • PredictedAsset class can be used to manage predictions of a Deployment.
  • PredictedAsset.add_review class can be used to add review to assets of a Deployment.
  • Deployment.list_predicted_assets() can be used to list assets of a Deployment.
  • Processing class can be used to manage your processings
  • Client.list_processings() can be used to list your processings.
  • DatasetVersion.launch_processing() can be used to launch a processing on your DatasetVersion.


  • On Datalake.upload_data() with parameter fill_metadata=True could not pass validation of our api in some case, so we need to cast values.
  • DatasetVersion.list_assets() with parameter filename_startswith was not working
  • DatasetVersion.build_coco_file_locally() will only use the LAST annotation created on each asset. In campaign mode it caused some problems


  • Some apis were deprecated on the backend side so we changed it on the SDK. These apis will be removed in the future : SDK versions prior to 6.17.0 might break.
  • Allowed version of Pillow is now ">=9.2.0, <11"

[6.16.0] - 2024-06-05


  • DatasetVersion.list_assets() can now be called with a list of data ids
  • DatasetVersion.import_annotations_coco_file() can now be called with use_id. If you exported your coco file with use_id, you can use import it now.
  • DatasetVersion.import_annotations_coco_video_file() can be called to import video annotations in your dataset. You could export it from picsellia with the SDK since the 6.13.0
  • Rectangle, Classification, Polygon, Line, Point have now text field that you can use as an OCR feature. You can call update on shape to update text field.
  • DatasetVersion.import_annotations_coco_file and its video counterpart will read utf8_string field of json coco file and import it into the platform.


  • On Datalake.upload_data() with parameter fill_metadata=True could not pass validation of our api in some case, so we need to cast values.
  • DatasetVersion.list_assets() with parameter filename_startswith was not working
  • DatasetVersion.build_coco_file_locally() will only use the LAST annotation created on each asset. In campaign mode it caused some problems


  • We upgraded pydantic dependency : we now depends on its version 2
  • Default max pagination is reduced to 1000. It was 10000, it's a little bit too much
  • We reduced to 1000 the max chunk_size on load_annotations()
  • We refactored tests and their files


  • We dropped support of python3.7
  • All stuff related to Scan have been removed

[6.15.0] - 2024-05-06


  • Datalake.import_bucket_objects() can now be called with tags and source, that will be given to created data.


  • Typo on get campaign log
  • wait_for_upload() had 2 beartype decorators
  • Some tests were failing

[6.14.2] - 2024-04-19


  • We now use session object to download and upload from presigned url. This should speed up a little bit, and not create enormous amount of connection.

[6.14.1] - 2024-04-16


  • Datalake.list_data() can be called with ids to fetch data from their ids.


  • When listing data and assets, filtering with tags and filenames was not working
  • Downloadable objects such as Data, Asset and Artifact, were syncing before downloading, we don't want to do that anymore
  • Type hint problem on AnnotationCampaign
  • Documentation on AnnotationCampaign
  • Tests on AnnotationCampaign

[6.14.0] - 2024-03-19


  • DatasetVersion.create_campaign() can be used to create an AnnotationCampaign.
  • AnnotationCampaign.add_step() can be used to add a step to an AnnotationCampaign.
  • AnnotationCampaign.launch() can be used to add assignments to all assets on this campaign of your DatasetVersion.
  • AnnotationCampaign.update() can be used to update an AnnotationCampaign.
  • DatasetVersion.get_campaign() can be used to retrieve the AnnotationCampaign of this DatasetVersion.
  • DatasetVersion.export_annotation_file() can be called with parameter use_id=True. Generated files will use asset id insted of filename.
  • Datalake.import_bucket_objects() can be used to import bucket objects of your S3 that are not yet on the platform.


  • Calling MultiAsset.as_multidata() with more than 10k assets was bugged
  • Some dependencies were fixed on pyproject.toml, such as pyyaml, beartype and orjson. Python 3.11 and Python 3.12 can now be used with the sdk

[6.13.0] - 2024-02-26


  • Datalake.upload_data() can now handle unreadable images (like hdf5) and video ! By default, it will wait for data to be full processed by our services
  • Datalake.create_projection(data) can be used to create a projection on a data : you have to give a name for this projection, it will be of type CUSTOM.
  • DatasetVersion.export_annotation_file() can be called with boolean parameter export_video to only export video in annotation file


  • Default content type assigned to data we cannot read mime type is now application/octet-stream

[6.12.0] - 2024-01-17


  • Data, MultiData, Asset, MultiAsset can be downloaded with download(use_id=True) to use id as filename. Extension of base filename will be used.
  • DatasetVersion.build_coco_file_locally() can now be called with parameter use_id=True to build a coco file with file_name keys as <id>.<extension>
  • When initializing a Client, you can pass parameter session with your own requests.Session object, that will be used on each request done by the sdk. It allows configuring a proxy or custom headers.

[6.11.0] - 2024-01-10

Happy new year everyone !
Some minor features and fixes in this version


  • Data.update_metadata() can be called to update metadata of a data.
  • DatasetVersion.load_annotations() can now be called with parameter assets to build a json coco file with only given assets.


  • When downloading a file, there was a race condition when creating parent directories of downloaded file.
  • Storing an artifact with do_zip=True was not creating expected archive name when a dot was present in filename.
  • On upload, large file discriminant is now 25MiB and not 5MiB


  • Major changes in docstrings, a lot of fixes!

[6.10.3] - 2023-09-22


  • PredictionFormat will not raise an exception if one of its list is empty. Deployment.monitor() can now be called with empty predictions.

[6.10.2] - 2023-09-06


  • Deployment.predict_bytes() needs parameter filename to work. It was sending prediction with filename media.

[6.10.1] - 2023-08-31


  • DatasetVersion.build_coco_file_locally() now adds area of bounding boxes on generated files for Object Detection.

[6.10.0] - 2023-08-21

Some deprecation on privacy object creation, it is not possible to create a public dataset, project or model from the sdk anymore.
Attach dataset version to Feedback Loop and Continuous Training settings of your deployments.


  • Deployment.attach_dataset_to_feedback_loop() can now be called to attach a dataset to Feedback Loop settings of your deployment. Attached datasets can be filled with reviewed prediction from your deployment.
  • Deployment.detach_dataset_from_feedback_loop() allows detaching dataset from Feedback Loop.
  • Deployment.list_feedback_loop_datasets() will list attached datasets of your Feedback Loop.
  • Deployment.attach_dataset_to_continuous_training() can now be called to attach a dataset to Continuous Training settings of your deployment. Attached datasets will be added to your experiment created when Continuous Training is triggered.
  • Deployment.detach_dataset_from_continuous_training() allows detaching dataset from Continuous Training.


  • Parameter dataset_version of Deployment.setup_feedback_loop()
  • Parameter dataset_version and model_version of Deployment.setup_continuous_training()
  • Parameter private of Client.create_model()
  • Parameter private of Model.update()
  • Parameter private of Client.create_project()
  • Parameter private of Project.update()
  • Parameter private of Client.create_dataset()
  • Parameter private of Dataset.update()

[6.9.0] - 2023-07-10


  • Datalake.upload() can now be called with parameter fill_metadata. On upload, set this parameter to True to read exif metadata flags and push metadata to Picsellia. By default, fill_metadata is False.
  • Client.get_datalake() can now be called with parameter id or name to retrieve the Datalake you want. If nothing is given, this method will retrieve your default datalake.
  • Deployment.predict_bytes() can now be called if you want to send image as bytes on Serving service
  • ModelVersion.update() and Model.create_version() can now be called with docker_tag parameter

[6.8.0] - 2023-06-12


  • Datalake.upload_data() now accept parameter metadata which is a dict (or a list of dict if there are multiple filepaths) matching common metadata allowed by Picsellia.
  • DatasetVersion.fork() can now be called with parameters with_annotations and with_labels as web application
  • DatasetVersion.export_annotation_file() can now be called with AnnotationFileType.YOLO to retrieve a zip with yolo files
  • Dataset.create_model() and DatasetVersion.update() have parameter description to update description of a ModelVersion


  • When adding evaluation, allow empty list to be sent as a list of shape

[6.7.1] - 2023-05-15

Some changes on monitor() following an update of our monitoring stack.


  • Property type of a deployment.
  • Method Deployment.monitor_bytes() can be called if you have an image as bytes to send to monitoring.


  • Deployment.monitor() do not use parameters model_version and shadow_model_version anymore
  • Parameter shadow_raw_predictions of Deployment.monitor() will be replaced by parameter shadow_prediction in the future
  • You can add content_type parameter to monitor() if you don't want sdk to infer it with mimetypes. It will be checked with common content types of the mimetypes library
  • content_type of monitor_bytes() is mandatory and should be a SupportedContentType enum or string. Current common type supported are "image/png" and "image/jpeg"

[6.7.0] - 2023-05-05


  • Add Client.create_deployment() to create a deployment. Allow user to create it without using Picsellia Serving
  • Add DatasetVersion.retrieve_stats() to retrieve stats of your dataset version
  • Add DatasetVersion.train_test_val_split() to split a dataset version into 3 different multi assets
  • Add DatasetVersion.split_into_multi_assets() to split a dataset version into N multi assets and return their label repartition
  • Add MultiData.split() and MultiAsset.split() to split from a given ratio a multi asset
  • Add User-Agent with picsellia version in headers of requests


  • Framework and type of Model are now configurable into ModelVersion
  • Get by id now use parent API to ensures object are in the same organization as the one connected
  • Methods manipulating tags on client are now calling other routes
  • Some minor fixes on documentation


  • Segmentation format used in monitor() was not supported by monitoring service

[6.6.0] - 2023-04-06


  • list_data and list_assets have a new parameter q that can be used the same way the query language is used in the web platform
  • Deployment has new methods: set_training_data, check_training_data_metrics_status and disable_training_data_reference, that can be used for monitoring and unsupervised metrics.
  • as_multidata of MultiAsset can now be called with parameter
  • Artifact, Data, Asset, LoggingFile, ScanFile, ModelFile are now inheriting from Downloadable, and have url property that can be used to download files. These urls are presigned and expired at some point in the future.
  • Methods add_evaluation, list_evaluations and compute_evaluations_metrics of Experiment can be used to add, list and compute evaluation of an Experiment


  • Deployment Feedback Loop dataset is now only used as a recipient for new assets submitted after review in the predictions dashboard
  • bbox of COCO annotation cannot be a tuple anymore

[6.5.0] - 2023-03-15


  • Jobs are now handled differently in Picsellia platform
  • get_dataset_version_by_id can be done in Client
  • get_model_version_by_id can be done in Client
  • get_experiment_by_id can be done in Client
  • Import yolo files with import_annotations_yolo_files
  • upload_data can be called with an ErrorManager to retrieve errors after upload.


  • Pascal VOC files parsing allows some fields to not be set
  • 502 errors were not handled correctly
  • Uploading images that were transposed now correctly send width and height on the platform


  • Downloading files has a new retry policy
  • When importing YOLO, COCO or Pascal VOC files, you need to set type of dataset before.
  • Some refactor on import annotations, it should be faster now !

[6.4.2] - 2023-03-03


  • Return line after logging chapter
  • Allow parameter enforced_ordered_categories on build_coco_file_locally() to enforce categories of built coco file.


  • Do a paginated call in dataset version train_test_split when loading assets
  • Method set_type of dataset version was failing when logging result if a string was given

[6.4.1] - 2023-02-17


  • Some methods were using types not compatible with python older than 3.8

[6.4.0] - 2023-02-16


  • DatasetVersion list_assets() will call XGET method when filtering on filenames or object_names, to not have the limit size query error.


  • Datalake upload_data() now allow effectively a Datasource
  • Import annotations was limited to 10 000 annotations because find_assets() was used. It is now using list_assets() which is paginated.


  • Deployment update() cannot change active anymore.


  • DatasetVersion find_all_assets()


  • DatasetVersion build_coco_file_locally() will create a COCOFile object that can be written in a json file

[6.3.2] - 2023-01-31


  • Experiment.export_in_existing_model() method will create a version of given model when exporting experiment.
  • Datalake list_data() can be used to filter on object_names.


  • was not using replace parameter correctly, it will now delete existing model file if it exists


  • All max_workers parameters are now None by default, to use cpu count + 4 as default value
  • Datalake list_data() will call XGET method when filtering on filenames or object_names, to not have the limit size query error.


  • AnnotationStatus.REVIEWED status was never really used and is now removed from Picsellia.

[6.3.1] - 2023-01-20

This is a patch to fix download dataset on huge datasets


  • as_multidata now uses xget to retrieve all datas with given list of ids


  • as_multidata is not called in download from DatasetVersion

[6.3.0] - 2023-01-19

Happy new year from the Picsellia Team !
This minor version add some useful methods and fix specified COCOFile format.


  • List public models with list_public_models() from the Picsellia Hub in Client.
  • Find public model with find_public_model() from the Picsellia Hub in Client.
  • Convert MultiAsset into MultiData with as_multidata() and as_list_of_data()
  • Allow asset tags to be added when adding data to a dataset with add_data()
  • Method __repr__ has been added to MultiObjects
  • Property labels in ModelVersion objects
  • Add get_dataset in ModelContext to get DatasetVersion from its attached name


  • breaking: COCOFile was wrongly specified: in annotations, only one segmentation was allowed for each shape,
    but COCOFile allows multiple polygons. Now you need to give a list of list of coordinates instead of only one list of coordinates.
    import_annotations_coco_file() should now work fine with COCO files with segmentation.
  • Add AuthenticationError again in exceptions, which was used by picsellia-tf2


  • may be breaking: Default value of force_create_label is now True in import_annotations_coco_file and import_annotation_voc_file.
  • Rename retrieve_experiment into get_experiment in ModelContext
  • retrieve_datasets in ModelContext now return a dict with attached name as key and dataset version as value
  • download() a DatasetVersion is not calling assets extended endpoints which was taking a lot of time on huge datasets.
  • Imports order with pre-commit cln tool
  • Doc generation with all properties docstring

[6.2.1] - 2022-27-12


  • Fixed .predict() behavior by removing mandatory parameters tags and source

[6.2.0] - 2022-27-12


  • Add docker env variables support on ModelVersion
  • Add an experiment.log_parameters() to use experiment.log() with parameters more easily
  • Add possibility to attach base parameters when experiment.attach_model()
  • Add feedbackloop method check status
  • Add __repr__ methods to DAO objects, for better UX representation
  • Add possibility to set tags and source when sending a prediction to serving
  • Add get_or_create_datasource() in client


  • Rename experiment.publish() into experiment.export_as_model()
  • Some changes on feedbackloop methods
  • Method list_data and list_assets can now use parameter intersect_tags to find objects that have all tags given
  • Allow Path object in every method that accept path as string
  • Some exceptions were renamed, some useless were removed

[6.1.2] - 2022-11-10


  • Use of typing.List instead of list to support python < 3.9

[6.1.1] - 2022-11-10


  • Add convert_tags_to_classification() in dataset version
  • Add get_data_tags() on asset


  • Github workflow

[6.1.0] - 2022-11-01


  • Add ONXX in Framework enums
  • Possibility to use strings instead of enums in methods


  • Make duration optional in annotation creation/update/overwrite
  • Make duration int compatible
  • log() method now create, update or append a log, in only one call to backend
  • Remove create_log method
  • Optional type hint is now used everywhere
  • Prevent user from updating log image via log.update(), only experiment.log can be used for this case


  • In log() method, image type data stored bad values

[6.0.2] - 2022-10-17


  • Logging File for an Experiment


  • A lot of typos, variable naming, minor formatting
  • String .format() into f-strings
  • Old package dependencies
  • train_test_split() return MultiAsset instead of List[Asset]


  • Regeneration of JWT when expired
  • When downloading file, open file only if response is ok

[6.0.1] - 2022-10-04


  • CHANGELOG file.


  • Fixed test_train_split with breaking changes of query language in list assets.
  • Documentation of core functions, minor typos fixes.
  • Workflow for testing on staging when push on development and main.

[6.0.0] - 2022-10-03


  • Annotation are now objects storing Rectangle, Polygon, Classification, Point and Line for an Asset
  • Artifact are now Experiment files stored
  • DatasetVersion are now used as versions of Dataset
  • Datalake objects
  • Datasource objects
  • Job objects, to wait for tasks to end
  • ModelVersion are now used as versions of Model
  • ScanFiles are now Scan files stored


  • Pictures renamed to Asset that are Data objects in a DatasetVersion
  • Multithreading usage
  • Tags
  • Annotations with objects