Predicting and Monitoring without Python SDK
You might want to use our monitoring and prediction services without having access to a Python environment. This might be a little more complicated because our Python SDK is handling some hidden mechanism for you, but it is still doable !
In this document, I will explain how to connect to our prediction service and make a prediction and how to connect to our monitoring service and add a prediction to our stack, without using picsellia sdk. I will use Python as it might be easier to understand, but feel free to contact us if you need some help when implementing in other languages.
Prediction Service
This snippet can be used to call our prediction service and send it an image.
There are two main parts, first one is a method used to generate a temporary JWToken used to connect with the service. You will need to call this every hour in order to keep an authorized connection.
Second part is a HTTP POST with an opened image, that you want to make the prediction on.
Note that you can give an optional source and tags, that will be stored in our platform as a data source and data tags.
import requests
import json
def generate_authorization_header(host: str, deployment_id: str, api_token: str):
"""This method calls our prediction service to create a jwt and build authorization header.
Our jwt are usually available for 1 hour, you might need to recall this method at some point to maintain connection.
:param host: of our prediction service
:param deployment_id: deployment identifier that you want to use
:param api_token: your picsellia api token
:return: a dict representing headers with a JWT of connection to our service.
auth_url = host + "/api/login"
auth_headers = {
"Authorization": "Token " + api_token,
# json.dumps() serialize a python dictionary to a json string
auth_payload = json.dumps({"deployment_id": deployment_id, "api_token": api_token})
# makes a HTTP 'POST', on given url, with given headers, and given json payload
# calling .json() return the response as a dict, that have the wanted key "jwt"
response =
url=auth_url, headers=auth_headers, data=auth_payload
return {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + response["jwt"],
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Host of our picsellia prediction service.
host = ""
# Fill these variables with your data
deployment_id = "<YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_ID>"
# Generate authorization headers by calling our prediction service
headers = generate_authorization_header(host, deployment_id, api_token)
# Url of our service to make a prediction
url = host + "/api/deployment/" + deployment_id + "/predict"
# Some optional metadata of your prediction
data = {
# "source": "source-of-your-prediction",
# "tags": ["some", "tag"]
image_path = "path/to/image.png"
with open(image_path, "rb") as file:
# this needs a file object, that we open with open() primitive
# note requests module does not need us to serialize data and files here
r =, files={"media": file}, headers=headers, data=data)
prediction = r.json()
Monitoring Service
This snippet can be used to call our monitoring service and send prediction data.
There are two main parts, first one is a method used to generate a temporary JWToken used to connect with the service. You will need to call this every hour in order to keep an authorized connection. Care as its a slightly different URL than the prediction service.
Second part is a HTTP POST with data of your prediction.
import base64
import mimetypes
import requests
import json
def generate_authorization_header(host: str, deployment_id: str, api_token: str):
"""This method calls our monitoring service to create a jwt and build authorization header.
Our jwt are usually available for 1 hour, you might need to recall this method at some point to maintain connection.
:param host: of our monitoring service
:param deployment_id: deployment identifier that you want to use
:param api_token: your picsellia api token
:return: a dict representing headers with a JWT of connection to our service.
# Take care, this auth url is different from prediction service one
auth_url = host + "/api/auth/login"
auth_headers = {
"Authorization": "Token " + api_token,
# json.dumps() serialize a python dictionary to a json string
auth_payload = json.dumps({"deployment_id": deployment_id, "api_token": api_token})
# makes an HTTP 'POST', on given url, with given headers, and given json payload
# calling .json() return the response as a dict, that have the wanted key "jwt"
response =
url=auth_url, headers=auth_headers, data=auth_payload
return {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + response["jwt"],
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Host of our picsellia prediction service.
host = ""
# Fill these variables with your data
deployment_id = "<YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_ID>"
# Generate authorization headers by calling our prediction service
headers = generate_authorization_header(host, deployment_id, api_token)
# Url of our service to make a prediction
url = host + "/api/deployment/" + deployment_id + "/predictions"
# This block is needed in our snippet, because we want to find content type, filename
# also we have to encode image to a base64 data : monitoring api only allows this type of encoding at the moment
# image_width and image_height are not computed in this snippet but need to be sent to monitoring service
# You might already have opened this image, you might want to do it differently
image_path = "/path/to/your/image"
image_height = 600
image_width = 800
with open(image_path, "rb") as img_file:
content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(image_path, strict=False)[0]
filename = image_path.split("/")[-1]
encoded_image = base64.b64encode("utf-8")
# latency given by your model to predict on this image
latency = 0.259
# prediction is a python dictionary representing shapes predicted by your model,
# it needs different keys depending on your model. For example for an ObjectDetection model:
raw_predictions = {
"detection_scores": [
0.7279638051986694, # first shape's score and should be between 0 and 1
"detection_boxes": [
[57, 213, 118, 256], # first shape's box as [y1, x1, y2, x2] coordinates
[186, 165, 246, 248],
[80, 73, 169, 199],
"detection_classes": [
3, # first shape's class, please make sure your labelmap is well-defined
data = json.dumps(
"filename": filename,
"content_type": content_type,
"height": image_height,
"width": image_width,
"image": encoded_image,
"raw_predictions": raw_predictions,
"latency": latency,
# will send your prediction to our monitoring service
response =, headers=headers, data=data)
monitoring_response = response.json()
Updated about 1 year ago