💬 Glossary
Unique & shared place gathering allData
(images) related to an OrganizationData
An image & associated Metadata contained in theDatalake
that can be assigned to one or severalData
in order to organize aDatalake
A placeholder for multipleDatasetVersion
A subset ofData
inherited from theDatalake
that will be annotated to be used later for aModelVersion
An image & associated Metadata contained in aDatasetVersion
, each asset is linked to itsData
from theDatalake
Additional Metadata that can be assigned to one or severalAsset
in order to organize aDatasetVersion
An object that will store a class name and an id.Annotation
A set ofShape
annotated by one person.Shape
An annotated object can be a classification, a rectangle, a polygon, a line, or a point.Project
A workspace dedicated to the development of aModelVersion
thanks toExperiment
A framework that structures the training of aModelVersion
A GroundTruth and a Prediction on a dedicatedAsset
in the frame of an Experiment that aims at evaluating the model's behavior on a dedicated bunch of images.Model
A placeholder for multipleModelVersion
A Picsellia object that can gathers Model Files, contextual information, Docker Image, Parameters,LabelMap
, Source Experiment, attachedDatasetVersions
. ModelVersion can be created form anExperiment
or created from scratch.LabelMap
A dictionary associatingLabel
and index.LabelMap
is created at theExperiment
level based on theLabel
defined in the attachedDatasetVersion
. It is also inherited in theModelVersion
exported from theExperiment
A set ofShape
and associated Metadata predicted by aModelVersion
An image & associated Metadata contained in aDeployment
on which aPrediction
has been done by aModelVersion
, eachPredictedAsset
is linked to itsData
from theDatalake
Updated over 1 year ago