💬 Glossary

  • Datalake Unique & shared place gathering all Data (images) related to an Organization
  • Data An image & associated Metadata contained in the Datalake
  • DataTag Additional Metadata that can be assigned to one or several Data in order to organize a Datalake
  • Dataset A placeholder for multiple DatasetVersion
  • DatasetVersion A subset of Data inherited from the Datalake that will be annotated to be used later for a ModelVersion training
  • Asset An image & associated Metadata contained in a DatasetVersion, each asset is linked to its Data from the Datalake.
  • AssetTag Additional Metadata that can be assigned to one or several Asset in order to organize a DatasetVersion
  • Label An object that will store a class name and an id.
  • Annotation A set of Shape annotated by one person.
  • Shape An annotated object can be a classification, a rectangle, a polygon, a line, or a point.
  • Project A workspace dedicated to the development of a ModelVersion thanks to Experiment
  • Experiment A framework that structures the training of a ModelVersion
  • Evaluation A GroundTruth and a Prediction on a dedicated Asset in the frame of an Experiment that aims at evaluating the model's behavior on a dedicated bunch of images.
  • Model A placeholder for multiple ModelVersion
  • ModelVersion A Picsellia object that can gathers Model Files, contextual information, Docker Image, Parameters, LabelMap, Source Experiment, attached DatasetVersions. ModelVersion can be created form an Experiment or created from scratch.
  • LabelMap A dictionary associating Label and index. LabelMap is created at the Experiment level based on the Label defined in the attached DatasetVersion. It is also inherited in the ModelVersion exported from the Experiment.
  • Prediction A set of Shape and associated Metadata predicted by a ModelVersion
  • PredictedAsset An image & associated Metadata contained in a Deployment on which a Prediction has been done by a ModelVersion, each PredictedAsset is linked to its Data from the Datalake.