1.3. Azure - Register a client application


Before you begin, ensure you have the following set up in your Azure Active Directory:

  • A Storage account.
  • A Container within that storage account.

For the purpose of this guide:

  • The storage account name will be referred to as ACCOUNT_STORAGE_NAME and for this example, it's picselliadevelopment.
  • The container name will be referred to as CONTAINER_NAME and in this example, it's bucket-development.
Storage Setup Image

2. Set up CORS for Your Storage Account

  • Update the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy of your storage account.
  • Follow this guide for more details: Azure CORS Configuration.
CORS Setup Image

3. Register an App in Azure

  • Create an App Registration in Azure named picsellia.
  • Guide for app registration: Azure App Registration.
  • Navigate to App Registrations and initiate a New Registration.
    • For Supported account types, select "multiple organizations".
  • Note down the APPLICATION_ID and TENANT_ID for future reference.
  • Generate and save the secret key ("Value"). This is your CLIENT_SECRET. Ensure you save this key immediately as you won't be able to view it again.

App Registration Image
Secret Key Image

4. Grant Access to Picsellia App

  • Assign a role to your Container.
  • Choose the role Storage Blob Data Contributor. This permits the Picsellia app to read and upload data to your container.
  • To do this, click on "Add role assignment", and then select the role Storage Blob Data Contributor.
  • Assign this role to the recently created App Registration named "picsellia". To find it, type "picsellia" in the 'select members' search.

Role Assignment Image
App Selection Image

5. Authorize App Access on Storage Account

  • Grant your Account Storage access to the App.
  • Assign the role Storage Blob Data Delegator which allows the Picsellia app to generate a user delegation key.
  • Here's an example of how your IAM configuration should look:
IAM Configuration Image

6. Finalize Integration

Conclude by creating a connector in the Picsellia integrations, for this step you need to get in touch with Picsellia's Team.