Deployments - Prediction Review tool

Picsellia embeds an integrated Prediction Review tool that will allow you to review any Prediction done by a ModelVersion and logged in a Deployment.

The main idea while reviewing a Prediction is to edit its Shape if the human considers this one is not correct. In other words, bring the GroundTruth against the Prediction done by the ModelVersion.

So basically, if the human considers that the Prediction done by the ModelVersion is not fully correct, it means:

  • Edit if needed, one or several Shape (Localization, Position, or Label) created by the ModelVersion in the Prediction
  • Delete if needed one or several Shape that shouldn't exist
  • Create one or several Shape missed by the ModelVersion

This Prediction Review tool is very similar to the Annotation tool. it is compatible with all Detection Types:

  • Object Detection
  • Classification
  • Segmentation
  • Line Detection
  • Key Point Detection

The Detection Type is automatically set up by inheritance of the Detection Type defined with the deployed ModelVersion.

1. Prediction review process

From any Deployment, in the Prediction tab, you have access through the different views to the PredictedAsset and associated Prediction logged. Each Prediction has a Metadata named Status, this Status reflects the stage of the Prediction in the review process:

  • TO REVIEW: The Prediction has not been reviewed by a human yet
  • REVIEWED: The Prediction has been reviewed by a human
  • SUBMITTED: The Prediction has been reviewed by a human and submitted to the Pipeline through the Feedback Loop
Prediction Review status

Prediction Review status

Please note that this process is linear and not retroactive. This means that any Prediction logged in a Deployment is created with the status TO REVIEW, once reviewed it goes in REVIEWED status, and once pushed to the Pipeline it goes in SUBMITTED status. But there is no way to go backward.

2. Simple Review or Prediction Review Campaign

As it is the case for DatasetVersion, you can define and orchestrate modular and personalizable workflows to review your PredictedAsset. This is useful in case you have many PredictedAsset to review with many users involved in this process.

This feature allows to brings traceability, organization, and work progress tracking in your review process.

An exhaustive documentation on this feature is available here.

However, if you want to review the PredictedAsset of your Deployment straight away, you can still use the regular Prediction Review tool, its usage is detailed here.