Setup your profile

During your first Picsellia use, setting up your profile information properly is highly recommended.

To do so, let's go to Personal Settings.

Access Personal Settings

Access Personal Settings

1. Profile information

The Public Profile tab will allow you to define your first name, last name, and your profile picture:

User's information form

User's information form

For obvious security purposes, you can change your Picsellia password at any time from the Change Password tab:

Password modification form

Password modification form

2. API Token

From the Token tab, you can retrieve your personal token, it will be used to authenticate and initialize a secured client with Picsellia Python SDK and as a consequence allow you access to your data from the SDK.

Access API Token

Access API Token

This token can be used to initialize a Python SDK Client in your personal organization but also in any organization you're part of.

To install the Picsellia package please have a look here and here you can access the exhaustive Python SDK documentation.



This token is strictly personal and shouldn't be shared with any one, even your organization colleagues for security reasons.