Setup or join Organizations
On Picsellia, you can work on multiple workspaces, which are referred to as Organizations on the platform.
1. Personal Organization
Each Picsellia user has their own Organization, known as the Personal Organization. Until other users are invited to join this Organization, only the owner can access any data related to it.
You can access the settings of your Personal Organization as shown below.

Visualize the current Organization
Who can access Organization Settings
Please note that for the moment, a user is only able to access the Organization Settings of his personal Organization
In those settings, you'll retrieve several tabs:
- General: Here, you can retrieve contextual information about your personal Organization. You can also rename it.
- Members: It is the place to manage other users who can access your personal Organization and update their access rights to the different parts of your organization.
- Webhooks: Webhooks are automated messages from apps when something happens. You can manage them from your personal Organization settings. Exhaustive documentation is available here.

Organization Settings
2. Work collaboratively
To efficiently work in a shared workspace, it is recommended to choose one user's Personal Organization as the common workspace for the team. The owner of the chosen Organization can invite colleagues through the Members tab in the Organization Settings.
From this view, the owner can:
- Invite users that already have a Picsellia account, using their username.
- Invite colleagues who don't have a Picsellia account yet, using their email addresses. In this case, those colleagues will receive an automatic email from Picsellia with an invitation link to create their account and be automatically added to the Organization of the invite sender.

Organization members management
Once added, any member can be removed from your personal Organization thanks to the button ... > Remove user.

Remove a member from an Organization
3. Manage access rights
While adding a user to your Organization, you can define his level of rights for each part object belonging to your Organization.
- Reader: Has the right to List/View given objects
- User:Has the right to List/Add/View/Change given objects
- Admin:
- Has the right to manage user access rights for any particular Picsellia object
- Has the right to List/Add/View/Change/Delete objects
- Has the right to access the current Organization settings (in order to add users to the organization or monitor DPU & MPU consumption)
Granular access management
For each instance of any object, it is possible to remove a user from the Collaborator tab of this particular object. This way a member of an Organization won't be able to see a give model or project for instance.
The access right of a user to your Organization can be modified at any moment from the same Members tab in the Organization Settings through the button ... > Change permissions.
4. Access another Organization
As a Picsellia user, you may also be added to other Organizations.
These Organizations can be accessed through the Settings menu, and members can access all related objects according to their defined access rights.

Work collaboratively
Now you're able to invite colleagues to your Organization and access the ones you've been invited to!
Updated about 1 year ago