Store Artifacts

Here we will learn how to store any file that you generate during your
experiment on Picsellia so you and your team can access it anywhere, anytime.

The store method

Storing a file to Picsellia during an experiment is as simple as this:

from picsellia import Client

api_token = 'YOUR TOKEN'
project_name = 'My awesome Project'

client = Client(api_token)
project = client.get_project(project_name)

experiment = project.get_experiment(
    )'config', 'pipeline.config')

Now you can check that your file has nicely been uploaded on Picsellia.


Here are the arguments of the store method:

  • name(string, default="") name of the file as displayed in Picsellia, use it to retrieve your file
  • path (string, default=None) the path to the file you want to upload
  • experiment_id (string, default=None) specify the id of your experiment if you have not initialized it earlier
  • zip (Boolean, default=False), set to True if you need to zip the file or even a directory before upload

The download method

If you need to retrieve and download an asset previously saved to Picsellia, you can use the download method

config = experiment.get_artifact('config')'path/to/config')

You can optionally set some parameters when calling this method:

  • path, the name of the directory you want to download your file in.
  • large, if the download fail, try setting this parameter to True to force multipart download.